365 Moments of Grace is here today!


I’ts already a #1 New Release on Amazon!

I made my dream of having a published piece come true today.  The opportunity came exactly when I needed it and I am thrilled to finally share it with you!

Every page of this book is filled with touching stories and soul connecting moments from over 250 inspiring authors.  We all have powerful messages to share and it’s the first time I share on such a personal level with the whole world at large.  These moments of grace will hopefully leave you connected to the magic in your own life and whisper in your heart the words you long to hear.  Some stories will give you goosebumps, some will make your heart expand, and some may even require some tissues nearby.  ALL will leave you inspired.

I met such amazing people through this book; one happens to be my parents’ neighbour a few houses down, on the other side of the country!  Another happens to run in the same circles right where I live.  There is so much heart poured into this project and for this I want to thank Jodi Chapman and Dan Teck for making it a reality.  Here’s to an ocean full of love!

Get your book here:

Canada: http://amzn.to/28Kg5D6
US: http://amzn.to/28MPN6p

(Through my Amazon Affiliate link I am able to be compensated from every sale.)

The back story


In one of the most challenging times in my life, when all I could do was one minute at a time, reading an entire book simply was too overwhelming.  What did work however was to rip words out of magazines or any publication that happened to be near. I tucked the precious words into my bag, my purse, my pockets or wallet and had no idea what I would do with them.  Somehow, it just gave me hope to collect them and  I soon started carrying my little ‘travel kit’ with me everywhere (a see-through mesh pencil case and a pair of scissors in it).

IMG_0122Eventually, the words ended up in a box where they just sat there in the dark. One day, I started gluing those words in my journal pages as titles and subtitles and in turn they started gluing my story together.  No longer inside a box, words became pages.  The powerful words could now shine their light into my life and start planting seeds of hope, love and growth.  My own ‘play’ was healing me in a way that left me feeling alive again.

Create your ownThen the beautiful moment written about in the book happened and I knew it was time to shine out!  I had seen what I needed to see on the inside and could now dream forward, empowering others with my story.  I was ready for a full page!  What better way then a collaboration with so many others who were also ready to shine their light into the world?

Author Spotlight |  Nathalie Dignard


I am sharing with you my VERY FIRST Author Spotlight (originally posted in the 365 Moments of Grace Facebook Group on April 18th).

  1. Please share a bit about yourself.

I am an Intuitive Artist and Creative guide, and mother to two amazing daughters. I inspire women and moms to re-ignite their dreams and find their voice through creative expression.

  1. Why did you decide to join as a contributing author in our book?

I’ve always loved books that share insights a little at a time, because sometimes a bite sized nugget of wisdom is all you need to reconnect to what matters most. Each entry reminds us to stay present in the moment and speaks to every mood on any given day. This is my very first contribution to a book and it is terribly exciting!

  1. What do you hope each reader will take into their heart after reading our book?

I want the reader to feel more connected, vibrant and beautifully alive in who they are, and that they know that their very breath is part of the magic of life.

  1. How do you define grace?

Grace is the light you can still see when your eyes are closed. Grace is trust and ease in who you are.

  1. What’s one way that grace shows up in your life?

It shows up whenever I stop to take the time to truly listen to my heart and to feel the ground underneath my feet; that’s when I feel most supported. It also shows up in my kids’ honest giggles and everyday laughter.

  1. What’s your FB page and website?



Getting your copy of the book

In contributing to this book, my intention is to encourage my children to pursue their dreams and to see life’s challenging roadblocks as supernatural powers to fuel them.  My children are travelers with me on this life journey and I dedicate this book to them .  I would love if you used my Amazon affiliate link and thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for your support.  For those of you who know my story personally, you know it’s a big win!

I even suggest gift-wrapping it when you order. Yes, even for yourself…to celebrate YOU and how far you’ve come.  I did just that for a book I bought myself for my birthday a few years ago and glued the little custom card that came with it inside the cover.  It makes me feel oh-so-worth-it every time I read that little love note to self!

If it speaks to your soul, or if you can think of that special someone who would love to receive an inspiring gift, get the book through the links below.

Get your book here:

Canada: http://amzn.to/28Kg5D6
US: http://amzn.to/28MPN6p

Watch the book trailer on utube:

Blog Tour

I will be taking part in the blog tour organized as part of the launch.  Each day starting now, for a month, we’ll get to know the authors a little more by visiting their blog.  My day for the tour is July 2nd.

If you have any questions or positive comments you’d like me to address on the day, do share below.  So grateful to have you on this adventure with me!